your phone will never die again, Epiphany onE Puck,

The Epiphany onE Puck uses a heat engine to power your cellphone. It's shaped - and additionally acts - such as a coaster. An individual spot a hot or cold beverage in the texture and additionally let the drink do every one of the the work. Check out the video, above, for more.

The charger functions ideal in extremes, so the colder or perhaps warmer the drink, the more rapid the mobile charges. Prototypes are really accessible upon Kickstarter for $115 and backers can get the preference to modify the charger with engraved text.

see also:14 Usefull Gadgets From Sci-fi and Comics

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1 comment:

  1. its great techniqe . i will buy it ....thanks for nice posts. ,,i subscribed


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