Examine The Tech That Show We Never Need To Charge Our Phones Again

Engineering that will wirelessly charge all of our devices on the go could improve the world. Consider by no means being required to connect your cell phone anymore, or technology that constantly maintains your electric car battery running.

As stated by Energous Corporation, that day is just around the corner. Energous’ WattUp is a wireless charger for electronics. It would possibly charge your cell phone along with other battery-enabled devices on the go utilizing a thing that has already been generously moving everywhere – radio waves.

There are lots of organizations approaching this same issue differently. Nikola Labs introduced at TechCrunch Disrupt a couple years ago with similar idea – turning radio-frequency signals into battery power. Energous stated us that their tech might be ready for the user market possibly this the coming year.

Take a look at how it works.

Turn Your iPad to Experience Virtual Eeality
World's First 3D HOLOGRAPHIC Smartphone
Send a text message to charge your cellphone
A Battery That Stretches to Three Times Its Size

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